Slow Travel Experiences

Slow Travel - The art of traveling slowly

We hear the question “What is Slow Travel?” Again and again on our travels. One returns to the “Grand Tour”, to journeys made for the sake of discovery. Travel for the sake of traveling - not because of the arrival. Traveling slowly is in. We also want to experience our travel destinations.

Whale Watching Alaska and Canada

You can find the best spots for whale watching in Alaska and Canada here. Whale watching is definitely part of a trip to Canada or Alaska. You can enjoy nature everywhere in Canada and Alaska. These are the best places to see whales.

Enjoy the CN Tower View from a Boat

The CN Tower is one of Toronto's most famous attractions. It is the tallest building in Canada and towers above all high-rise buildings by many meters. It can be seen from many places when driving through the city. It's best seen from a boat.