
The CN Tower in Toronto

The CN Tower in Toronto is hard to miss. For a long time it was the tallest building in the world with a height of 553 meters. In the meantime, however, it has lost its first place among the tallest buildings in the world. But it still looks imposing and towers over the Toronto skyline as ever.

Ontario, land of lakes, forests and bears

Ontario places of interest. Our journey takes us around Georgian Bay in Ontario, the eastern bay of Lake Huron. We get to know Ontario as it often appears in the stereotypes of Canada. There are countless lakes, large and small, up to ponds and ponds that don't even deserve the name "lake".

Eastern Canada round trip to savor

Eastern Canada is a region that is very diverse. Here are the largest cities in the country. One can get lost in the forests of Ontario and Quebec. Instead, you feel like you are at the sea at the Great Lakes. In the Atlantic provinces, the ocean is never far away.

Canadian ice wine from Niagara

Canadian ice wine from Niagara tastes delicious. We tasted four wines at a presentation of Canadian wines from the Niagara region. Here you can also find out where to buy Canadian ice wine. This can be done online.

Toronto women-only hotel with spa

We visit a Toronto hotel with a spa, to which men are not allowed. The "Verity Spa" is run by a women's club from the metropolis. Here you have created an oasis of calm in the hustle and bustle of the big city, where you can do your business and relax.

At a lake in Ontario, Canada

At Eagle Lake in Ontario At a lake in Ontario: An ice diver flies overhead, shouting loudly. His hollow scream fits into this area where the first signs of the Indian summer are just beginning to appear. The deciduous trees show the first brightly colored leaves, whose red or gold precedes the otherwise strong green [...]

Canada in the fall

Autumn in Canada - a true color spectacle! Find out more about the most beautiful places to admire the colorful splendor of the forests. Combine the Indian Summer with a Canada tour! Discover the spectacular landscapes of Ontario, Quebec and the Atlantic provinces and immerse yourself in the autumn mood.