Places & attractions

Hike through the Pesenbachtal

The hike through the Pesenbachtal beckons us. Witches and devils are supposed to be up to mischief there. There are also stories of shamans and healers. On a sunny midsummer day, we set out in cool morning temperatures. From the Kurhaus in Bad Mühllacken we start our hike through the Pesenbachtal.

Green Mountain Villages in Vermont, New England

Whenever we are out and about in New England, images of the Green Mountain Villages haunt us with their pointed church spiers looming over a white-painted church in the center, with a cozy inn across the street and a covered bridge that leads into the village, through our heads. Somehow these clichés stand for our picture [...]

Ptuj Slovenia - of wine, coffee and history

The place Ptuj in the north of Slovenia is not that small with its almost 24.000 inhabitants, its castle that towers over the Drava and its old town, in which a lot is reminiscent of the Austrian past of the city. Ptuj Slovenia is the oldest city in this country.

Mt Denali - best viewpoints

Mt Denali in Alaska is one of those mountains that you absolutely want to see, but that doesn't show itself to everyone. Here you will find the best viewpoints on the mountain. It also takes a bit of luck that the mountain shows itself.

Three Slovenian attractions off the coast

Our Slovenia trip took us to different regions in the interior of the country. We discovered Slovenia attractions for slow travelers and especially the good Slovenian cuisine. There are many reasons why one should take the time to travel through this small country. Find out more here.

What can be seen in Retz in the Weinviertel

Retz im Weinviertel At the beginning of January we were in Retz in the Weinviertel in Lower Austria for a few days. The Hotel Althof in Retz invited us to get to know its new winegrower's room. There you can also go on holiday to Austria's wine-growing regions in winter. The hotel alone would have been enough to make us feel at home in Retz in the Weinviertel [...]

On the way on the Dempster Highway

I have often been asked what was the most impressive experience for me that I associate with Canada. Well, there is a lot that I have experienced in the more than thirty years that I have traveled the vastness of Canada. One thing is for sure the enormous size of the country, for which one human life is not enough to [...]