Slovenia's most beautiful park

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Glorious, or

A park near Kamnik

The Arboretum Volcji Potok is considered by many to be Slovenia's most beautiful park. The park is only a few kilometers south of the city of Kamnik in central Slovenia and can be reached quickly from Ljubljana and the capital's airport. We are there in June when the roses are in bloom. A good period of time for which we have planned our visit. On the website of ifeelslovenia we learn that the roses are in full bloom in June. Reason enough for our days Slow Travel Travel to Kamnik and surroundings to choose. Petar loves roses and is always on the lookout for new varieties and fragrant species. What better way to collect ideas than a park like Volcji Potok. In the rose garden of the Arboretum Volcji Potok we discover many species and colors. Some attract with scent, others without, but with all the more beautiful colors.


Rose garden in Volcji Potok
Rose garden in Volcji Potok


Slovenia's most beautiful park for the rose blossom

The weather forecast for our stay in and around Kamnik is not promising. Therefore we use the hours of sunshine on our first morning for the excursion to Volcji Potok. A good decision as it turns out. Those were the only rain-free hours of our stay. An avenue leads into the park, in which there are various parks in addition to the rose garden: we save the French park, the English part and the dinosaur exhibition for later. We are first drawn to the rose garden. A wrought iron gate separates it from the rest of the park. Rose lovers are already strolling on the gravel paths past the rose bushes, whose splendor of colors enchants us.


Flowering dogwood bushes


I find the dogwood bushes that grow along the carp pond that borders the rose garden even more impressive. They are in full bloom and dominate the rose garden with its white and pale pink tree tops. On a bench by the pond I wait for Petar, who walks enthusiastically from rose bush to rose bush and captures everyone on his camera. In the meantime I enjoy the peace and quiet and watch the carp feeding visitors with bread. The fish are used to the feeding. They quickly gather in groups as soon as the first pieces of bread fall into the water. A scramble for the best bite immediately begins.


The perfect rose
The perfect rose


Petar speaks to a man who is sitting alone in the pergola in the center of the rose garden. He asks him if he's here more often. “I come here almost every day at the moment. My wife loves roses. While she looks at the flowers, I enjoy being alone, ”he laughs. You can see that he visibly feels comfortable in the midst of the roses.


In the rose garden
In the rose garden
In the French park
In the French park
The French park
The French park

The Arboretum Volcji Potok

We don't have enough time for the whole park, because mountains of clouds are building up over the Alps. We want to try, perhaps before the clouds, to drive to Slovenia's highest alpine pasture in Velika Planina. But in vain! After all, the clouds hang so low in the valley that a drive up the mountain is not worth it. Nevertheless, we decided not to visit the English part of the park and instead went to the center of the park. In the café we enjoy a cup of coffee with a chocolate cake before making our way through the French part of the park. Trees like gingkos and others whose names we do not know grow here. A group of ducks takes a rest at the ponds and does not allow themselves to be disturbed by a heron, who snooty stacks past them. Slovenia's most beautiful park is apparently not only a plant paradise, but also popular with the birds in the region.


Slovenia's most beautiful park
Slovenia's most beautiful park
Arboretum Volcji Potok
Arboretum Volcji Potok


On our way back we meet school classes who are going on a school trip just before the summer vacation. You will be amazed by the dinosaur models that are all over the park. Made of rubber and with a mechanical mouth, they move and threateningly open their snouts - for the fun of the children, who accompany each movement with howling. We make our way back to our car and enjoy the last few meters in Volcji Potok. Slovenia's most beautiful park has shown itself to us from its most splendid side.


Avenue in Volcji Potok
Avenue in Volcji Potok


Arboretum Volcji Potok
Volčji Potok 3
1235 Radomlje
Tel. +386 1 831 23 45





Travel Arrangements

Parking at the airport

Here you can reserve your parking space at the airport.

Arrival by plane, car, bus and train

Compare and book flights here*. The nearest airport is Ljubljana. Buses stop in front of the entrance to the Volcji Potok Arboretum twice a day. Information is available from KAMBUS or at the bus stops in Ljubljana and Kamnik. Car and bus parking spaces are available. Additional parking spaces will be organized during the spring exhibition.

Car Rentals:

Cheap car hire - book quickly and easily!

Accommodation in Kamnik

Hotels and accommodation in Kamnik * you can book at We stayed in one  Apartment at Apartment Resort Eco Spa Snovik * with access to the Snovik thermal baths.

Camper Rentals:

You can book a motorhome here.


Do you already know?


Other Tips for slow travelers you find here. Discover others Gardens and parks.

Source: On-site research. We thank ifeelslovenia for supporting this trip. As always, our opinion remains our own.

Text: © Copyright Monika Fuchs, TravelWorldOnline
Photos: © Copyright Monika Fuchs, TravelWorldOnline
Video: © Copyright Petar Fuchs, TravelWorldOnline

Slovenia's most beautiful park

Monika Fuchs

Monika Fuchs and Petar Fuchs are the authors and publishers of the Slow Travel and Enjoyment travel blog TravelWorldOnline Traveller. You have been publishing this blog since 2005. TravelWorldOnline has been online since 2001. Your topics are Trips to Savor and wine tourism worldwide and Slow Travel. During her studies, Monika Fuchs spent some time in North America, where she traveled to the USA and Canada - sometimes together with Petar Fuchs - and spent a research year in British Columbia. This strengthened her thirst for knowledge, which she pursued for 6 years Adventure Guide for Rotel Tours and then for 11 years as Study tour guide for Studiosus Reisen tried to breastfeed all over the world. She constantly expanded her travel regions, but curiosity still gnawed at her: “What is beyond the horizon? What else is there to discover in this city? Which people are interesting here? What do you eat in this region?” These are the questions she is now trying to answer as a freelance travel journalist (her articles have appeared in DIE ZEIT, 360° Canada, 360° USA, etc.), among others. travel writer and travel blogger answers in many countries around the world. Petar Fuchs produces the videos on this blog as well as on YouTube. Monika Fuchs from TravelWorldOnline is below Germany's top 50 bloggers in 2021 Other Information about Monika and Petar Fuchs. Recommendations on LinkedIn from tourism experts Further recommendations from cooperation partners and tourism experts Professional experience Monika on LinkedIn

8 thoughts too "Slovenia's most beautiful park"

  1. Is listed immediately as well as a few other Slovenia tips from the other articles. I just went through it.
    We are there ourselves in July.

    1. Hello Eva, nice, if you like our Slovenia tips. Last year, for the first time in decades, we were back there and were surprised how varied the small country is. There is certainly much to discover there. Have fun in Slovenia. LG, Monica

    1. Hello Silke, the green spaces are open to all. We did not see any picnickers, but whole school classes who enjoyed the last days before the summer holidays. LG, Monica

  2. I went on a wine tour in Slovenia a few years ago but was also able to see some other places. Even then I found it wonderful, less crowded than Italy, for example. And absolutely versatile from the coast, over the mountains, to delicious wine and picturesque towns.

    1. Oh! A wine tour through Slovenia is definitely interesting. I'll take a look at it on your blog. And you're right: Slovenia is not only interesting on the coast. There is also a lot to discover inland.

  3. A great insider tip for all rose lovers. Thank you! Slovenia is such a beautiful country. We've been hiking the Soca Valley in the summer of 2015, and that's why we have Slovenia in our hearts. Best regards!

    1. Yes, I agree with you. Slovenia is a country worth exploring. We have already heard about the Soca Valley but have never met it yet. The region around Kamnik is beautiful too. Its location on the southern edge of the Alps offers some spectacular valleys and wonderful views of the surrounding area. We certainly were not for the last time in this country.

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