Prince Edward Island Oysters, Clams & Quahogs

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Three oysters

Prince Edward Island oysters shells and quahogs fresh off the sea

Seafood as well as crustaceans play an important role in the cuisine of Prince Edward Island and the Atlantic provinces of Canada. No wonder! The sea is nowhere far away. That's why on this trip we took a closer look at the delicacies that the sea delivers: Prince Edward Island mussels, oysters, and quahogs. We were invited to John and Jackie Gillis's home in South Pinette, a small harbor on a sheltered bay about forty minutes from Charlottetown. John owns property there on South Pinette Harbor, in front of which is his oyster bed, which he fishes year-round. He shows us how he harvests the shellfish. His wife Jackie later explains to us how best to prepare them.


Fresh oyster shells with lemon
Fresh oyster shells with lemon



Petar tries his hand at oystercatching
Petar tries his hand at oystercatching


How do you collect oysters in the Wadden Sea?

John brought his oyster boat ashore because he could better demonstrate the oyster fishing process. To do this he needs a kind of long tongs with which he searches for oysters on the bottom of the bay. He picks them up, then measures their size, which must not be less than a certain limit, and collects them in his basket on board. If the oysters are too small, he throws them back into the water. “The penalties are severe if we are caught with oysters that are too small. And why should I take it? Next year they will be much more interesting for me,” he laughs. He also shows us how different the shapes of the oysters can be. “The shops only want the regular-shaped oysters,” he says. “They need to look pretty.” But the unusual shapes of the crustaceans do not change the taste. These oysters all end up in the cooking pot at home.


These are Quahog's Prince Edward Island shells
These are Quahogs - Prince Edward Island shells
A pot of cooked mussels and carrots
A pot of cooked Prince Edward Island clams and carrots


We experience oyster mussels and quahogs in oyster paradise

Jackie, his wife, laughs and says: “We live in paradise here. No matter what is happening in the world, we have our food right on our doorstep. And for whatever else we need, we sell the best oysters.” She explains that John fishes for oysters all year round – even in winter. In the summer he goes out and collects other types of oysters from the ocean, such as the large quahogs with their palm-sized shells. “You have to taste them. I’ll throw a few more on the grill”, she says, and immediately disappears into her kitchen to get a bucket.


John opens oysters
John opens oysters shells and quahogs


Opening oyster shells and quahogs is difficult

In the couple's dining room, the table is overflowing with fresh oysters and Prince Edward Island mussels, and John leads us inside. He takes a thick tea towel, grabs a sharp short knife, and then shows us how to open oysters and mussels. “You slide the knife sheath between the oyster halves and cut along the edge. Then you separate the slimy contents from the shell and can slurp the oysters,” he says. “So it’s easy.” I prefer to leave the opening of the mussels and oysters to him, because it’s not that easy. Opening the shells requires skill as well as strength.


Hotels and accommodation in Prince Edward Island*

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Petar opens a shell
Petar opens Prince Edward Island shells


How do you eat oysters clams and quahogs?

I find the ingredients interesting that Jackie offers with the shellfish: these include Tabasco, a tomato sauce with vegetables, fresh lemons, olives, horseradish, grated cheese and diced bacon. “You can eat the oysters fresh from the sea, but you can also boil them or throw them on the grill. A few minutes are enough for them to be ready.” She brings us various plates on which she serves cooked mussels with carrots or oysters fresh from the charcoal grill. They are all delicious. However, I can't decide which method of preparation I prefer. But when it comes to the ingredients, I quickly know: I like oysters and Prince Edward Island mussels best with fresh lemon.


What a luscious meal
What a sumptuous meal! I enjoy oysters shells and quahogs


And how about you? Have you ever tasted oysters or Prince Edward Island clams fresh from the sea?

Do you want to try the fresh oysters of John and Jackie Gillis? Here's how:

Pinette River Oyster Co.
Oyster Lovers Experience
John and Jackie Gillis
3763 TransCanada Highway
Belle River, PE C0A 1B0
Phone (902) 659-2231

Early reservation is required. From four participants, John and Jackie Gillis will tell you how to fish oysters and serve you the epicurean meal of fresh seafood.

Are you traveling by motorhome and want to try oyster mussels and quahogs?

  • An example of a campsite is Cornwall, Charlottetown KOA Holiday, 208 Ferry Rd, Cornwall, PE C0A 1H0, Canada, Tel. 1-800-562-4194. However, there are other campsites in the area.
  • Do you want to rent a mobile home? Then you can find information here, for example, as well as booking options.
  • Be sure to check our packing list for campers to see whether you have packed everything for your motorhome tour.
  • Also, don't forget your backpack . There are beautiful hiking opportunities in the area.



Travel Arrangements:

Parking at the airport

Here you can reserve your parking space at the airport.


Compare and book flights here* (Advertisement). Air Canada, Lufthansa and Icelandair fly from Germany to various airports in eastern Canada.

Car Rentals:

Cheap car hire - book quickly and easily!

Camper Rentals:

Book your motorhome here.


You can book hotels on Prince Edward Island *  here, for example.

If you book via a link marked *, we receive a commission, which we use to run this blog.

Do you know this?


Discover more travel tips for trips to savor on our blog TravelWorldOnline.

Source Oysters, mussels and quahogs: own research on site. We would like to thank Tourism Prince Edward Island and the Canadian Tourism Commission for the kind invitation to this trip. However, our opinions remain our own.

Text oysters, mussels and quahogs: © Copyright Monika Fuchs and TravelWorldOnline
Photos: © Copyright Monika Fuchs and TravelWorldOnline


Prince Edward Island Oysters, Clams & Quahogs

Monika Fuchs

Monika Fuchs and Petar Fuchs are the authors and publishers of the Slow Travel and Enjoyment travel blog TravelWorldOnline Traveller. You have been publishing this blog since 2005. TravelWorldOnline has been online since 2001. Your topics are Trips to Savor and wine tourism worldwide and Slow Travel. During her studies, Monika Fuchs spent some time in North America, where she traveled to the USA and Canada - sometimes together with Petar Fuchs - and spent a research year in British Columbia. This strengthened her thirst for knowledge, which she pursued for 6 years Adventure Guide for Rotel Tours and then for 11 years as Study tour guide for Studiosus Reisen tried to breastfeed all over the world. She constantly expanded her travel regions, but curiosity still gnawed at her: “What is beyond the horizon? What else is there to discover in this city? Which people are interesting here? What do you eat in this region?” These are the questions she is now trying to answer as a freelance travel journalist (her articles have appeared in DIE ZEIT, 360° Canada, 360° USA, etc.), among others. travel writer and travel blogger answers in many countries around the world. Petar Fuchs produces the videos on this blog as well as on YouTube. Monika Fuchs from TravelWorldOnline is below Germany's top 50 bloggers in 2021 Further Information about Monika and Petar Fuchs. Recommendations on LinkedIn from tourism experts Further recommendations from cooperation partners and tourism experts Professional experience Monika on LinkedIn

4 thoughts too "Prince Edward Island Oysters, Clams & Quahogs"

  1. Dear Monika,
    what a great experience! I am glad for you, that you have these possibilities on your travels! PEI is our goal when we fly 2019 to Nova Scotia. I hope I can wait until then for some reports from you. :)
    And to your question. No, I have never eaten oysters, but would like to try, especially if they are so fresh!

    1. Dear Charnette,

      that was a real experience for connoisseurs. I think you can see that on the photos :) .

      Best regards,

  2. Hello Monika, Now I am quite surprised that too small oysters are thrown back into the sea. Because actually they grow on the rock. When they are detached, what happens to them? Or does not every species grow on the ground? In any case, they are fascinating! Greetings, Jutta

    1. Hello Jutta,

      I'm not sure about that either. But on our visit to Prince Edward Island he showed us different species. The size he took very seriously, because he said, what brings him a small oyster in this year, if it is twice as big after another year in the sea. So they continue to grow when he throws them back into the sea. We did not see the seabed, but I'm pretty sure it's sandy there. The oysters on PEI grow between algae and kelp, if I understand correctly. Not on rocks. At Wikipedia I found this information about the American oyster: The one described by you is probably the Pacific Oyster: In Europe there is also the European oyster:, An exciting topic!

      Best regards,

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