Go on vacation on the Moselle
In the area around Alf you can go on holiday on the Moselle with excursions along the vineyards. Visit places like Zell or Bad Bertrich. Discover castles. Enjoy the view of the river valley and taste the wines of the region. Do you already know the river on the Luxembourg side? There is a lot to discover on this river.
Hiking on the Moselle - hikes through the vineyards
Beautiful hikes on the Moselle
Camping on the Moselle directly on the water
Tiny house or wine barrel? Extraordinary overnight stays on the Moselle
Questions and answers about holidays on the Moselle
What other activities can I do besides hiking?
For example, you can go cycling, take boat trips, visit wineries, explore castles and palaces or take part in cultural events and wine festivals.
Which places should I definitely visit on my Moselle holiday?
Popular places include Cochem, Bernkastel-Kues, Trier, Traben-Trarbach and Zell. They offer historical old towns, impressive castles and palaces as well as picturesque landscapes.
What is the best way to get to the Moselle and how can I get around locally?
The Moselle region is easily accessible by car, train or bus. On site you can use public transport such as buses and trains, rent bicycles or take river cruises.
What accommodation options are there?
There is a variety of accommodation options in this region, including hotels, guesthouses, apartments, campsites and also some wineries that rent rooms or apartments.
Are there any culinary specialties that I should definitely try on my Moselle holiday?
Typical culinary specialties of the Moselle region include Riesling wine, sparkling wine, onion tart, Federweißer, Alsatian tarte flambée and regional dishes such as sauerbraten or Döppekuchen.
Do you also know:
- Hiking on the Moselle - hikes through the vineyards
- Beautiful hikes on the Moselle
- Discover Castles on the Moselle
- Moselle tour around Alf on the Moselle
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Source: own research and contributions from travel bloggers. However, our opinion remains our own.
Text: (c) Copyright Monika Fuchs and TravelWorldOnline. All rights reserved.
Photos: (c) Copyright Monika Fuchs as well as TravelWorldOnline and Canva. All rights reserved.