Garden splendor in Veitshöchheim in Franconia

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Elegant lady of sandstone

How the prince bishops of Würzburg passed the time - enjoying the splendor of the garden

Garden splendor impresses us in Veitshöchheim. There are many excursion destinations in Franconia that are worthwhile. No wonder! Were the prince bishops out Würzburg but present along the Main. Be it because they built churches to strengthen Catholicism in the region. Be it because they had vineyards cultivated. Their profits ultimately served to present their power in magnificent buildings. We have many examples of this on our Motorhome trip along the Main seen. Nowhere is this more obvious than in Würzburg as well as in Veitshöchheim. The garden splendor in this small town surprises us.



Prince-bishop's castle in Veitshöchheim


Impressive garden splendor in the Hofgarten Veitshöchheim

The Rococo Garden in Veitshöchheim belongs to the castle of the city. This was used by the prince bishops of Würzburg as summer residence. From a flower garden garden architects finally developed the Rococo garden. However, we hardly discover flowers on our tour. Only wildflowers sprout in one of the garden spaces framed by hedges. Flower borders are missing. Instead, wide paths lead through the park. A pond with fountains in the middle of the park also embodies the garden splendor of the Rococo. The park is also divided by hedges into garden rooms. These adorn more than 200 sandstone sculptures. They represent figures of gods, allegories and animals dar. The garden rooms can be reached through green tunnels and finally reaches hidden pavilions.


There are always water features in Rokokogarten Veitshöchheim


One of the Rococo Gardens in Germany – Garden Splendor of the Prince-Bishops

The park is one of the most important rococo gardens in Germany. Therefore we are not alone on our walk through the park. We meet tourist groups as well as couples, who make themselves comfortable on the bank of the pond. We hear languages ​​from all over the world. A group of young girls discusses in French. Not far away a couple talks in Arabic. Again and again we meet families. They push their prams in front of them. Or they try to keep their offspring in check. Strollers settle on stone benches. They let the garden splendor affect you. The Hofgarten Veitshöchheim is a place of rest. The garden rooms simultaneously create a retreat.

The best pictures show how beautiful this park is. Follow us on our walk through the park.


Garden splendor in the Rococo garden Veitshöchheim

Petar on our walk through the Rococo garden Veitshöchheim

Green tunnels connect garden rooms in the rococo garden

Playful characters

In terms of flowers, we almost only saw wildflowers in Garden Splendor

Mischievously smiling sandstone sculpture Garden Splendor

Sandstone statue in Hofgarten Veitshöchheim Garden Splendor



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Travel Arrangements

Parking at the airport

Here you can reserve your parking space at the airport.

Arrival by plane, car, bus and train

Arrival by plane, bus or train*. The nearest airport is Frankfurt. Arrival by train. FlixBus also follows Würzburg. From there you can reach Veitshöchheim by excursion boat or by car.

Hofgarten Veitshöchheim

Echterstrasse 10
97209 Veitshöchheim
Tel. 0931 91582
Opening hours: from 8.00 o'clock to darkness (latest 20.00 o'clock)
Admission free



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Enjoying the splendor of the source garden: own research on site. We thank that Franconian wine country for the support as well as the Bavarian castles administration for the permission to publish the photos. The publication of these photos on third-party websites as well as sharing in external social media channels is not allowed. Our opinion, however, remains our own.

Text Enjoy garden splendor: © Copyright Monika Fuchs and TravelWorldOnline
Photos: © Copyright Monika Fuchs, as well as TravelWorldOnline


Garden splendor in Veitshöchheim in Franconia

Monika Fuchs

Monika Fuchs and Petar Fuchs are the authors and publishers of the Slow Travel and Enjoyment travel blog TravelWorldOnline Traveller. You have been publishing this blog since 2005. TravelWorldOnline has been online since 2001. Your topics are Trips to Savor and wine tourism worldwide and Slow Travel. During her studies, Monika Fuchs spent some time in North America, where she traveled to the USA and Canada - sometimes together with Petar Fuchs - and spent a research year in British Columbia. This strengthened her thirst for knowledge, which she pursued for 6 years Adventure Guide for Rotel Tours and then for 11 years as Study tour guide for Studiosus Reisen tried to breastfeed all over the world. She constantly expanded her travel regions, but curiosity still gnawed at her: “What is beyond the horizon? What else is there to discover in this city? Which people are interesting here? What do you eat in this region?” These are the questions she is now trying to answer as a freelance travel journalist (her articles have appeared in DIE ZEIT, 360° Canada, 360° USA, etc.), among others. travel writer and travel blogger answers in many countries around the world. Petar Fuchs produces the videos on this blog as well as on YouTube. Monika Fuchs from TravelWorldOnline is below Germany's top 50 bloggers in 2021 Further Information about Monika and Petar Fuchs. Recommendations on LinkedIn from tourism experts Further recommendations from cooperation partners and tourism experts Professional experience Monika on LinkedIn